The Passed Note

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Simply put, we want your best work. We want well-crafted work that is worthy of our audience - young adults.

The best way to get a feel for the kind of writing and art we aim to publish is to review the work that is available in past issues.

For all submissions:

Please include a cover letter and a brief biography with your submission.

We accept simultaneous submissions, but we ask that you please notify us if they are accepted elsewhere so that we can celebrate with you.

We currently accept only work created by those over 20, so as to not conflict with our targeted reading audience of 12 to 19.

We will respond to your work within sixty days of receiving. If you have not received word after this point, you may feel free to query us directly at

We charge three dollars per submission so that we may cover our operating costs and work towards paying our writers and artists. This does not go to our team. We are not paid. This is a labor of love for all of us at The Passed Note.
For now, we can pay selected artists and writers an honorarium of ten dollars.
To ensure a diversity of voices, we ask that authors we publish wait one year after publication to resubmit. Thank you.


The Passed Note